
K̲aax̱ul Naay

Photo of softcover book Kaaxul Naay

Last summer I had the honour to be a small part of a great program to record and recover the Haida language in Haida Gwaii. The Skidegate Haida Immersion Program is creating a large number of small books, each focusing on a specific part of the language and culture. Each book has a story with text in Haida, with an enclosed CD of an elder speaking the book’s text.

Small images of all of the pages of the book

In my case, I was assigned The Bathroom, or as it’s said in Haida, K̲aax̱ul Naay. I created 18 images in ink, watercolour and coloured pencil, then add the Haida text word balloons digitally.

An image of an adult grizzly bear in clothes handing a roll of toilet paper to a young bear under the door of a public toilet stall

It was a lot of fun!

All of the original paintings on a drawing table